Remedent Tooth & Gumbrush
Multi-Purpose innovative toothbrush focuses on gum care

The original toothbrush, gumbrush and tongue cleaner on one handle. Positioned as a therapeutic device, this comprehensive oral hygiene instrument gives the consumer three brushing heads for the same price as a high premium toothbrush. Despite 200 years of toothbrush innovations, more than 70% of the general population has gum disease. Why? Human error.

Most people don't do a thorough job brushing, because they rush through it. REMEDENT solves this problem as the gumbrush automatically hugs the teeth and gums, assuring all surfaces are cleaned and gums massaged, inside and out.

Dentist Recommended Brushing Technique Built Into Gumbrush
Probably the most celebrated aspect of this product is the Gumbrush. When Remedent's gumbrush is placed around the teeth, the twin facing heads hug your teeth & gums at the recommended 45 angle, half the bristles on the teeth, and half on the gums....precisely how your dentist tells you to do it.
The result is essential gum massage while cleaning the gumline with minimal effort.

At the opposite end of the handle is a high premium toothbrush with a built-in tongue cleaner. This is an excellent tool to pull plaque from the tongue. The wide design quickly and effectively cleans teeth. This brush has a V-trim, to enable bristles to easily get between teeth to dislodge debris and plaque. After you brush your teeth, you can use this brush to clean your tongue.
This has several benefits:
  1. Prevention of plaque transfer from the tongue to the teeth.
  2. Stimulates taste buds.
  3. Freshens breath.
Because of the wide design, Remedent will not fit in
conventional toothbrush holders,which is why a
storage clip is included with every brush.
Storage Clip